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Estates legal updates.

What you need to know.

Joint Tenancy vs Tenants in Common

Joint Tenancy vs Tenants in Common: What you need to know for Estate Planning When you purchase property with another person, you’ll likely have to decide how to hold the property: either as joint tenants or as tenants in common. The distinction between these two options can significantly impact estate

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Digital assets in Estate Planning

Digital assets in Estate Planning: What you need to know In today’s increasingly digital world, estate planning isn’t just about managing your home, finances, and keepsakes—it’s also about addressing your digital life. From social media profiles and email accounts to cryptocurrency wallets and online businesses, digital assets are now a key part of your

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Christmas: Perfect time for estate planning

The holiday season brings families together like no other time of year. Between the laughter, the feast, and the shared traditions, Christmas is actually the perfect time for estate planning because it offers a rare moment to connect with those we love. It’s also an ideal time to have meaningful

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