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Estates legal updates.

What you need to know.

What does an executor need to do when a loved one dies?

When a loved one passes away, the executor of their Will is responsible for managing their  estate and carrying out their wishes as outlined in their Will. The specific duties of an executor can vary depending on the complexity of the estate, but we have outlined the common tasks executors

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When do you need to update your Will?

Can you set and forget your Will and estate planning documents? Coz really, once they’re done they’re done right? We have seen many a Will that was put in place by persons who have now passed away and we have effectively looked after their estate, obtained Probate, and carried out

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Making a Will NSW

Most Australians are savvy about what Wills are and what Wills are for – in a nutshell, Wills dictate what happens to your assets and are used after you die. What we as Australians seem to be less well informed about is why we need a Will (my spouse or

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